Tips for a Better Lifestyle

 *This is a summarized version.

We all know the components of a good lifestyle.

A good lifestyle is the combination of healthy food, exercise and happy relationships.

I assume that you already know about these components and therefore, I will not cover them in this article.

This article answers these questions:

Assuming you have a good and balanced life, eating healthy food, working out regularly, happy in your relationship, and financially stable, what can you do to enhance your life?

What are the things that can make a difference in your lifestyle?

Of course, this subject is very personal, in the sense that what may be important to one person, may not be significant to another person.

Elements of a good lifestyle also differ among men & women, singles & married, poor& rich... etc.

However, I will explain the main elements that can be considered as "universally" accepted. Lifestyle tools that almost all people will benefit from.

Tips for a Better Lifestyle

1-Don't Take Life Very Seriously:

Some people are serious about life because they believe that life is very serious. They assume that being serious will lead to happiness or success.

I realize that mistakes and failures can be serious, but that does not mean we take life too seriously. Too much serious focus on life means we will miss the fun of life. Life is much more than work or money. Taking things too seriously can drive you to madness. Serious thinking can lead you to be stressed out. You can be serious at work, but at your free time develop humor and sense of fun. Adopt an attitude of cheerfulness and optimism. Act childish sometimes. Learn to laugh and enjoy watching funny movies. Surround yourself with funny people. It is time that you lighten up about life.

Remember life is a journey, and if that journey is serious and boring, then you would want that journey to be short. Have fun and enjoy the journey. Do whatever you want to make it entertaining and joyful. Make this journey entertaining by adding humor to it.

As Mark Twain said once "Be careful about reading health books. You may die of a misprint."

2-Focus Only on the Present:

It is amazing that most people do not live in the present. Some are overwhelmed by their past, and others are day- dreaming about their future plans. Some people try to run away from their problems by not living in the present.

Live in this very moment and enjoy it. Program yourself to not stay in the past. Get rid of any past memories. You feel cheerful and alive when you live in the present moment. The future is always a mystery. You can create plans for the future, but you need to experience the present in order to achieve those plans. Remember that living in the past means you are not mentally or emotionally free. Living in the future means you are dreaming. Happiness is based on the present. One fact to realize is that your past will not determine your future. The present is your link between the past and future. The only and best way to live your life is to live it at this moment.

3- Travel:

Travel at least once a year and go to remote places. Get outside your local environment. Traveling has many benefits. When you travel you break your routine and replenishes your energy, mental, physical and emotional energy. Travel can also be an opportunity to acquire new skills, learn about new cultures and meet new people.

Travel is about variety, adventure and having fun. Your life needs fun. It also needs diversity in terms of new people, new geography and new experiences.

If you have enough money, you can take tours around the world, something similar to Four Seasons Around the World Tour, which costs $115,000 per person. These extravagant tours use private jets and all 5-star resorts.

Stay at 5-star hotels and pamper yourself. Stay at The royal suite of Burj Al Arab of Dubai which has a small cinema and a library. Visit museums like the Louvre of Paris or see the ancient ruins of Athens or Rome. Take a luxury cruise like the Silversea cruise which is offering a $1.500,000 cruise package for two on the Silver Whisper, taking in 28 countries over a period of 115 days. You deserve to reward yourself once in a while. If you don't have that kind of money, you can travel to national reserves and enjoy the serenity of nature. Travel destinations and options are virtually unlimited.

4-Find a Good Friend:

Substantial research supports the importance of true friends in our lives. A true friend is essential for a happier life. A true friend will confront you about your life problems such as drinking problem. A good friend will correct you when you are wrong.

Your best friend is best to be from the same gender. If you are a woman, it is better that your close friend is a woman like you. A Man's best friend is also a man. You may have a spouse/partner and he/she is very close to you. However, you need a close friend that is not your partner. What I suggest here is a friend that is not connected to you sexually. A close friend, from the same gender, whom you can share with your secrets. A good friend can give you the needed support, even support for your relationship with your partner. This is why it is important-but not necessary- that your close friend is from the same gender.

One scholar, Carlin Flora, in her book, Friendfluence, demonstrates with many examples the real essence of true friendship. She claims with evidence that true friends are the keys for happiness.

5- Check Your Habits:

Check your habits and make sure you get rid of those bad habits and adopt the good ones.

A-Get Rid of Bad Habits:

Some habits are very serious to the extent that they can be fatal. Smoking, alcoholism and drug addiction can be dangerous for your health & life.

If you have millions of dollars but you are addicted to drugs, do you think you have a good lifestyle?

If you are healthy and young, but chain-smoke 30-40 cigarettes/day, do you expect a healthy lifestyle?

The big problem with habits is that you may not be able to get rid of them because they are addictive.

Some bad habits can be a sign of suicidal behavior.

Whatever bad habits you have, just remember that those habits can destroy your life.

In spite of the difficulty of getting rid of a bad habit, it is important to know that they can be eliminated.

You will need the right techniques and tools implemented by a qualified coach.

B- Develop New Good Habits:

Once you get rid of a bad habit, it is time that you substitute it with a positive habit.

If you quit smoking, start a healthy habit instead, such as exercising or walking.

Even if you don't have a negative habit, you can adopt a new habit that is useful for your lifestyle.

There are many types of habits that are useful for our lifestyle. Another good habit is to practice meditation daily. Meditation will slowly build your energy.

6-Surround Yourself With Only Positive People:

To live a positive life you need to get the sources of positivity. Emotions are electromagnetic energy. This energy is infectious. This means if you are around people that possess one type of energy, you are likely to get that type of energy from them and store it in your body.

This explains why when you surround yourself with negative people you become negative as well.

The first rule is therefore, to stay away from negative people and negative sources.

Stay away from negative news and negative media.

Be connected with only positive people.

Positive persons will feed your thoughts with positivity.

Positive people have the ability to be optimistic about life. Their positive emotions will enable them to enjoy a better lifestyle.

Another remarkable behavior of positive people is that they never compare themselves with others. This behavior can lift their self-esteem.

Remember that positive expectation leads to positive results.

Even the aura of positive people is different.

7- Find a Mentor/Life Coach

Life will have its challenges and problems. Life journey is long.

Some people when faced with problems try to solve those problems on their own. They resist the possibility for outside help, for many reasons.

No matter how intelligent or experienced you are, some problems can not be solved by yourself.


Because when you have a problem, you tend to think inside the box. Your solutions are likely limited and irrelevant.

This is the notion behind "Think Outside the Box."

It is not a shame to ask for advice. It is not a sign of inferiority.

It is a fact that most successful persons have advisors, and they are not hesitant to seek advice from outside resources. Even the President of the USA can not function effectively without advisors.

The best advisor is a mentor or a life coach.

Your mentor might be a neighbor, relative, teacher, friend, co-worker, someone from your community, or a professional consultant. Mentors are good to have throughout your life.

A mentor can motivate, inspire, guide you in the right direction, and help you through personal and work challenges.

A life coach has many useful roles. Not only he/she can give you the right advice, but more importantly, they can find out what is right for you based on your personality and skills.

A mentor can also develop your skills and provide specific guidance for your personal development.

Life coaches or mentors have become important even for children. According to the National Mentoring Partnership, children and teenagers who have had a mentor do better in school, are less likely to be involved with drugs and alcohol, and are more likely to go to college.

Life coaching has become very important for moderate and big companies worldwide.

The rising importance of life coaching has made it one of the fastest growing professions in North America. According to the International Coach Federation, there are over 15,000 professional life coaches currently operating in North America in 2012.

Because of higher demand, life coaching fees are increasing. The International Coach Federation found that, on average, life coaches charge $214 a session and make $47,900 annually.

8- Make Some Time for Yourself:

We need time for many things such as career, social activities, family, and sports. However, you also need to have time only for yourself.

Try to spend some time alone every day. Spend your time alone doing something you enjoy, such as reading, taking a bath, or being outdoors. It's a time to clear your head and be quiet with yourself.

Solitude has many benefits. It allows you to rediscover yours. It is a good way to disconnect from others.

As the famous poet Rumi once said, "A little while alone in your room will prove more valuable than anything else that could ever be given you."

Your life journey is no doubt in need of many things. It definitely deserves all the care and attention that will make it a better journey.

Please be kind to yourself, and get the tools that make your lifestyle a better one.

Do not be frugal on yourself.

Whatever you spend on your lifestyle, one day you will notice the rewards of this spending, in terms of higher achievements and stronger happiness.

Simple Ideas That Work Really Well In Forex

A fact you will find out soon enough in Forex is that no one is bigger than the market itself. The money in your account does not mean anything to Forex. It might mean something to other investors when they take it, though, so pay attention to the advice offered in this article and learn whatever you can about how to trade in the market.

Having an analytical mind is a great way to succeed in Forex, and luckily you can train yourself to think more systematically and logically about the market. Take your time to go over the numbers. You will need to devise charts and study how currency pairs interact with one another. It's a new skill-set for most, but it is what the market requires of you.

A good way to learn valuable information about Forex is to subscribe to newsletters and online magazines dealing with the issues. You shouldn't take this information as gospel and trade on a whim, but the more information the better, in terms of learning how the market works. Reading a few articles a day is a great way to become market savvy.

Forex can be a high intensity trading environment. For this reason it is absolutely necessary to have a thorough plan before beginning active trading. If you find yourself making buy and sell decisions on the spur of the moment it is time to rethink your strategy. A good plan should keep these quick decisions to a minimum to prevent emotional mistakes.

Do not trade unless you're confident about what you're doing and can defend your decisions against the critics. Never trade based on rumors, hearsay or remote possibilities. Having a clear confidence and understanding about what you're doing, is the surest way to long term success in the marketplace.

If you are just starting out in forex trading, avoid overextending yourself by trading in multiple markets at once. You will likely only end up confused. Instead, pick a few major currency pairs that you feel comfortable with, and learn everything you can about their trends. Once you've got the hang of it, you can extend your trading to other currencies.

Remember that there are no secrets to becoming a successful forex trader. Making money in forex trading is all about research, hard work, and a little bit of luck. There is no broker or e-book that will give you all of the secrets to beating the forex market overnight, so don't buy in to those systems.

Pay attention to the news of the countries you are trading but do not use the news as your sole reason to make a trade. Just because good or bad news comes out of a marke,t does not mean that it will make a noticeable change, one way or the other, in the currency.

When pursuing forex trading, a great tip is to always carry a notebook with you. Whenever you hear of something interesting concerning the market, jot it down. Things that are of interest to you, should include market openings, stop orders, your fills, price ranges, and your own observations. Analyze them from time to time to try to get a feel of the market.

When you get into foreign exchange, do not do so blindly. Forex can easily be as taxing as Las Vegas if you go into it with your blinders on. It has been likened to gambling on many occasions and in many ways. Do not find out the hard way, do your research, or lose big money.

If you enter the Foreign Exchange Market afraid to invest and trade your money, you are going to lose your money. A Wall Street tycoon will tell you point blank that scared money never makes money, and that's the absolute truth. If you are scared to take the risk when opportunity presents itself, you're never going to earn a reward.

You should always open your positions on the forex market during the window when a trading pair's two countries are overlapped The time when financial markets are open in both countries for a currency pair sets the course of the market trend. If you open your positions during this window you can place them with maximum information about the coming trend.

Learn to keep your emotions and trading completely separate. This is much easier said than done, but emotions are to blame for many a margin call. Resist the urge to "show the market who's boss" -- a level head and well-planned trades are the way to trading profits. If you feel that anxiety, excitement, anger, or any other emotion has taken over your logical thoughts, it's time to walk away, or you might be in for a margin call.

Confidence and understanding are key to the foreign exchange market. You should never trade if you do not know what you are doing, or are unsure about something. You should also never trade based on knowledge that may be the result of rumors. Never trade if you are not confident in your understanding of the outcome, or you may set yourself up for failure.

Always have a written trading plan or you are set up to fail. Determine your trading goals, such as, doubling your trading account value in a year. Also, take into consideration, the emotional downfall when you lose a trade and the way you can really handle it. Stick to your plan to make your trading experience successful.

Avoid losing lots of money with Forex by taking as much time as you need to play with your demo account. After you have chosen a theory that you believe will work for you, perfect it and your situation by trying it out with your demo account over an extended period of time. In this way, you can identify and resolve any problems without losing your money!

Everyone's trying to beat you out in a trade when using Forex. You need to be extremely cautious when trading. One minor slip can result in a downward spiral that completely drains your account. Focus on the advice you learned in this article and you'll begin to understand how the market operates.

Anxiety Relief - How To Find The Best Remedy

Anxiety causes several number of health problems in the society of today. These health problems make your body weak and hence vulnerable to many a number of maladies and diseases. To relieve themselves of all this anxiety and stress, people start searching for the best anxiety relief method.

Actually, the best anxiety relief is within you, and you can free yourself from tension and stress with the help of your mental constitution. Identifying the factors causing anxiety and stress and then taking the necessary steps to eradicate them is a good way to get anxiety relief.

Try and find out the things which bring up your tension and stress and note them down to have a record. Using this exercise, you'll be able to find out whether you need any professional help or whether you can cure it on your own. You should analyze all the factors and prioritize them too see which factor needs the best anxiety relief the most.

The things which bring up your tension and also which are under high priority need a mixture of medication, some counseling and self healing methods. Perseverance and hard work are needed to reach the best anxiety relief. The mental imbalance and environmental factors that has been accumulating all these years causes the person to suffer with serious anxiety. In these cases, a dedicated mind works best to deal with your problems.

A few times, psycho-counseling, medication and drugs can also be used to get the best anxiety relief. But that doesn't mean the self healing and home grown measures should be overlooked for stress relief. Sometimes, it can be something as simple as going on a diet. Increase your liquid intake and reduce your intake of caffeine beverages and high sugar.

The two oldest techniques for healing your body is yoga and meditation, many people claim to get the best anxiety relief from that too. Maintaining a regular exercise to reduce your anxiety and stress, and avoiding alcohol also helps to reach the best anxiety relief. But the best anxiety relief works best with a good night?s sleep. Try sleeping at least 7 hours per day.

Having a relaxed surrounding at your home by maintaining good relationship with your family also helps to reduce stress. If you find any problems at work or with your family, try to get a solution as soon as possible. Controlling your anger is one of the most important things as anger is one of the triggers of anxiety.

Of all the methods of anxiety relief, the most useful way to control stress is by practicing tolerance and patience. Although it is tough for you to get these things, try making a conscious effort in all your thoughts and actions to practice them.

With a final shrug of dismal acceptance, you begin to believe that you are simply and cursedly unique. In search of anxiety relief, you've tried it all with either mild or no success: cognitive behavior therapies, mixtures of relaxation/visualization techniques, meditation, hypnosis, NLP, self-help books, medication, counseling, courses, etc. And don't forget those self-help positive affirmations (referred to in irreverent circles as "icing on a turd.") Frustrated, perhaps you've concluded that what works for others just doesn't work because you're just ... unique.

Undoubtedly, those methods provide anxiety relief for a good number of sufferers. Of course, medications that interact with brain chemistry like Xanax, Klonopin and Lexapro also provide a level of anxiety relief -- and for many folks, that may be the only way to function comfortably.

Nonetheless, perhaps for you, the very heart of the matter remains unaffected and genuine anxiety relief cannot be attained. Or can it?

The key to anxiety relief may be in this unconventional and simple concept: To no longer fear the thought of having a panic attack.

Think about it. Consider at this moment why you are reading this article (unless it's regarding friends or family). Isn't it because you're seeking anxiety relief in the attempt to avoid the inevitable -- that you're afraid of your next anxiety and panic attack lurking just around the corner? In so doing, paradoxically, your thoughts right now in this instant are fueling the panic, readying it for trigger, by considering it in a state of apprehensive fear, either consciously or subconsciously.

So how can you possibly find anxiety relief if just thinking about avoiding it feeds the fear that fuels it?

It is possible. The insidious cycle that prevents you from attaining genuine anxiety relief can be broken. Anxiety relief is achieved when that deep fear of the next panic attacked is shifted. If the fuel that powers an episode is removed or "shifted," the episode becomes nonexistent. Just like a fire, if the fuel (i.e., oxygen) is removed by an extinguisher, the fire stops generating itself -- it becomes nonexistent.

In the arena of anxiety relief in the mid-1990s, an application of that principle is what Joe Berry discerned during his second year of suffering from debilitating panic attacks. He had read every book he could find and studied the research papers from the academics; and subsequently in the study of the cognitive behavior approaches of some of the top psychologists, he made surprising discoveries about how a panic attack fuels and generates itself. And from those discoveries, Berry developed an advanced cognitive technique that enabled him to break the cycle of his panic episodes and gain permanent anxiety relief.

Berry began teaching the technique to small test groups of other sufferers -- with immediate and startling results. He has since trademarked the "One Move" technique and has taught it to thousands of people in 30 different countries, and follow-ups over the years are confirming the permanency of anxiety relief.

The "One Move" technique course generates an internal cognitive shift whereby you slowly no longer fear having a panic attack. That major breakthrough point is the pivot of the technique that initiates the anxiety relief.

So, yes, there is bad news -- for your ego. You're not unique. You, too, can experience genuine anxiety relief. As Berry says, "Please don't let your mind fool you into thinking your anxiety is unique and not curable."
